You are here: About repositories > Configuring a repository > Reverting to the active views

Reverting to the active views

While you are modifying the active views, Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console saves your changes but does not deploy them. You must do that manually as described in Deploying the current views. If you decide instead that the new views are incorrect and you want to restore the configuration (revert) to what is currently deployed, you can do so easily.

To revert the configuration to the active views:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the Repositories group, click Views. The Explorer Views page appears and lists the existing views.
  2. In the app bar, click REVERT. A Warning dialog box appears.
  3. Click YES to continue to revert the views. A progress dialog box appears as your changes are rolled back.

Related tasks

Deploying the current views

Exporting views

Importing views